How To With Bob: What are the most unusual ways celebrities have blown through their fortune

What are the most unusual ways celebrities have blown through their fortune

What are the most unusual ways celebrities have blown through their fortune
Oh, Nicolas. Do you know why Nicky Cage has become such a meme on the internet? Why there are so many jokes around him? And circulating of goofy pictures of him? It started long ago. On the heels of big box office wins Con Air, The Rock, Face Off, Gone in 60 Seconds, National Treasure, he was adopting an increasingly lavish spending habit that belonged on an episode of How I Blew My Lottery Millions. He began buying up incredible homes, spending top dollar for fully furnished interiors. All across the nation. This real estate habit included a $7M island in the Bahamas, two small castles in Europe, a haunted mansion, a massive party house in Los Angeles where he threw legendary parties ($$$). For some reason, he decided he wanted to pre-buy a 10-foot tall white pyramid to be buried in at a later date. And of course, like most wealthy men, he adopted a habit of owning extremely expensive cars: Lamborghinis, Rolls Royces, exclusive Ferrari models, vintage cars. Luxury yachts. He bought a $150,000 octopus. Two rare Albino King Cobras (unknown price). He began spending millions of dollars on collectors’ item comic books. He began collecting ancient skeletal remains, including a $300,000 T-Rex head. The thing that did him in was the real estate crunch of 2008 when all the loans he had taken out on these homes began to demand huge payments from him in response to the crisis. He was immediately thrown into a cash-negative position where he had to sell off most of his things. In addition, this is the reason you saw him appearing in so many bad movies all of a sudden. He needed cash badly. Oh, Nicolas. Don’t worry. He’ll be OK. He’s back in the seven-figure range now. Hopefully he’s learned to chill out.