How To With Bob: What actors actresses were banned from a country for making disparaging comments about it

What actors actresses were banned from a country for making disparaging comments about it

What actors actresses were banned from a country for making disparaging comments about it
There are 3 American actors who have gotten on the Chinese government’s wrong side. 1—Harrison Ford, a longtime advocate for human rights & Tibetan issues, was banned from the country in 1995 but still continues to advocate. 2—Richard Gere, a Gulugpa school Buddhist, has openly spoken out about abuses that China has inflicted on Tibet. Most studios won’t cast Gere anymore fearing loss of distribution rights. 3—Brad Pitt ran afoul by starring in “Seven Years in Tibet” due to how the movie portrayed the Chinese occupation. Officials took offense. Pitt was banned for 19 years and only allowed back in 2016.