How To With Bob: Is Tom Cruise generally liked or disliked amongst other big Hollywood stars

Is Tom Cruise generally liked or disliked amongst other big Hollywood stars

Is Tom Cruise generally liked or disliked amongst other big Hollywood stars
From “Top Gun” to “Mission Impossible”, Tom Cruise built as a reputation Hollywood Super-Star”. The name Tom Cruise, today, has come to mean something completely different. A name that is hated a Hollywood. 1-Filmgoers are turned OFF by his passionate advocacy of Scientology. 2-Politics. He became an international lobbyist, proselytizer spearheading The Church’s drive to become a recognized religion, drawing comparisons to Josef Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda. 3-Soon after divorcing Mimi Rogers whose father was a prominent member of the movement, he tied the knot with co-star Nicole Kidman. The couple became Hollywood royalty. When the union ended, it marked the beginning of the end for Cruise’s untarnished public image. He married his 3rd wife, Katie Holmes, in a fairy-tale ceremony—the legend of TomKat was birthed. Holmes filed for divorce 5+ years later, fearing her daughter would be brainwashed. 4-Cruise developed a reputation as a control freak. It is alleged he had Kidman’s phoned wiretapped . He told Holmes what to wear. Kidman and Holmes felt they lived in his shadow. They were there to make Cruise “look good” to put a luster on “the image” of Tom Cruise. 5-Cruise’s control over his ex-wives extended to the film set. He has a reputation for micromanagement—revealed in his latest brush up with the crew of “Mission Impossible-7”. He revamps scripts, taskmasters’ directors, crew, scriptwriters and marketing. He wears the crown of a meddler and control freak. Stanley Kubrick “Eyes Wide Shut” opined that the film was “a piece of s**t” because Cruise was “ego-tripping”. 6-His female audience told Cruise to “get lost” after insisting wife Katie Holmes give birth in complete silence, a practice Scientologists believe prevents permanent psychic scars caused by a negative vibe at birth. He had a special pacifier made to keep Holmes quiet during delivery. 7-Paramount ended its 14 year working relationship fearing his erratic behavior was going to negatively impact the box office after Cruise’s bizarre appearance on Oprah’s TV show led to many questions about his sanity 8-Hefty wage demands, disagreements over back end profits, gender pay gap/sexism, Cruise became Hollywood’s most overpaid actor. 9-An inflated ego, wanting to call ALL the shots, Cruise became to powerful for his own good. A a big problem in a big ego town. 10-Cruise tried to coerce other A-listers to convert to Scientology. A big turnoff with the Hollywood smart set. Today, ——the name Tom Cruise——doesn’t have the same ring, the same cachet as in the late 1990s and early 2000s.