How To With Bob: Is Tom Cruise really super short

Is Tom Cruise really super short

Is Tom Cruise really super short
Well, he’s pretty tiny but he ain’t particularly short compared to some of the biggest stars in the movie business. He’s taller than Alan Ladd who famously took to standing on apple crates while filming love scenes with Sophia Loren in “Boy On A Dolphin”. Godfather and “little friend introducer” Al Pacino is the same height as Tom as is Gulliver’s Travels funnyman Jack Black while top acting elite Elijah Wood (Frodo Hobbit), Richard Dreyfuss (Jaws) and Dustin Hoffman (who famously admitted he would remove the lifts in his shoes just to get a job in “Tootsie”) are all considerably shorter. By about 1 inch. So, yes, Tom is smaller than some of the big whoppers like Liam Neeson or Jason Momoa or even Burgundy lookalike Will Ferrell, but clever camera trickery and his own sterling self-belief in his gargantuan talent means Tom has never been percieved as anything other than a true Huge Star!