How To With Bob: How To Have Stronger Willpower

How To Have Stronger Willpower

Have you ever wished you had stronger willpower? How can you make yourself stop doing things you don’t want to do? There are ways, and the first thing to do is to redefine the concept of willpower.

How To Have Stronger Willpower

Self Awareness Instead Of Willpower

It’s hard to resist temptation sometimes, isn’t it? That piece of cake calls to you. What’s the simple answer to this? Don’t stand in front of the cake! Don’t go to the bar alone if you want a faithful marriage. Don’t have whiskey in the house if you don’t want to drink it. Stay away from people that lead you to trouble.

People often have this idea that willpower must mean being immune to temptation. What if true willpower is not only the ability to say no, but the wisdom to avoid temptation? Become aware of where your resistance is low, and don’t put yourself in those situations. Doesn’t that make more sense than fighting useless battles with yourself?

Other Ways To Strengthen Willpower

There will be times when you didn’t choose the situation, of course. Or at least that’s the excuse you’ll use. What can you do then? Try these tips:

1. Immediately begin to imagine the consequences of your actions. Give yourself a good scare, if you have to.

2. Substitute temptations. Quickly get a glass of your favorite juice or soda if you don’t want that beer.

3. Ask for help. If you can’t stop complaining, for example, have friends point out when you are doing it.

4. Relax. Willpower is low when you are stressed. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

5. Energize yourself. Willpower tends to go up and down with energy levels. Sleep well, play energetic music, move around, or start an interesting conversation.

6. Find the cause of the temptation, and deal with it. A boring job or life can lead you to all sorts of stupid ways to find “excitement.” Consider changing what you can change.

You can call it willpower, or self control, or something else. You just want to stop yourself from doing harmful things, right? Using the techniques and tips here will help.

How To Have Stronger Willpower