How To With Bob: What was the most brutal military tactic in history

What was the most brutal military tactic in history

What was the most brutal military tactic in history
The mongols are notorious for its brutality in war. You will wish not to be their prisoner of war. You see once the mongol capture a city that resisted. They will devide the prisoner. Artisans & craftsman was often spared and incorporated to mongol citizens. But mongols has no usefor nobles, merchants, farmers, clergy, etc. So what did they do?. Assuming they just didn’t slaughter them en masse?. They use them as Human shields. You see mongols dont put half measures. The entire cities will be sacked and depopulated. The population is either to be used for soaking enemy arrows in the siege of the next cities. Just to be killed by the enemy and their bodies stacked up their city walls. And used as a crude siege ladders made of their prisoner bodies. Sometimes, the mongol used the prisoner of war as ammunation. During the siege of kaffa. The mongols used dead bodies. As early type of biological warfare. To spread disease in the besieged city. It was successful…… to successful might I add. As the besieged genoese end up going back to europe. And inadvertably, spread the worst epidemic in human history. The black death. (Approx killed about 64–80 million people in europe).