How To With Bob

How to Care for Your Lingerie

Fine lingerie is an investment that can last – while not a lifetime – at least for a long tim.

How to Care for Your Lingerie

By caring for your lingerie properly, you will extend its life and enjoy it for many years to come.

Always check the label sewn into your lingerie.

Manufacturers understand their product and how to care for it. The label is always right. If the label indicates dry clean only, please take this advice seriously. Machine or hand washing a dry clean only garment can ruin it.

If you have removed the label from your garment follow these general guidelines:

Most lingerie may be hand washed in cold water using a mild detergent (such as Ivory Snow). Be sure to rinse completely. Always drip dry lingerie or dry on a flat towel. Never put lingerie in the dryer. You may use gentle steaming to remove wrinkles.

LingerieDiva recommends that you wash your lingerie in a lingerie wash bag. These bags ensure your fine lingerie does not become twisted and stretched in the wash. You can purchase wash bags from most lingerie and drug stores.

Caring for Silk – Special Instructions

Silk lingerie is strong but very delicate – so extra care must be taken when washing it. Use only a mild soap or silk wash. Never use detergent on silk. Soak the lingerie in warm water for about five minutes. Agitate gently, but do not twist it. Rinse well using cold water (you may add a teaspoon of vinegar to the rinse to remove all traces of soap). Roll the linger in a towel and lay flat to dry. Iron while slightly damp or you can hang the lingerie in a steamy bathroom to remove wrinkles.

Silk Don’ts

* Don’t expose silk lingerie to direct sunlight as it will fade

* Don’t attempt to clean a spot on silk lingerie with water

* Don’t spay perfume on silk

How to Care for Your Lingerie

How To Choose The Right Athletic Shoes

At the turn of the century, people all over the world have realized the need to have recreational activities in their lives as a form of relaxation. Then the need for better equipment offering performance enhancing and protection features started to arise. In the early 50’s these types of activities eventually moved into the arenas like the gladiators were. The rapid evolution on the development of athletic equipments particularly on the footwear area was on the mid 80’s. Before, athletic shoes were just made out of canvas with rubber soles.

How To Choose The Right Athletic Shoes

The development of athletic shoes is parallel to the boom in professional sports. Nowadays, athletic shoes have all these mind boggling features that range from compressed air soles to materials used in Formula 1 racing.

The first thing you should consider when purchasing athletic shoes is the sport you will be engaging in when wearing them. Different types of floor or court will yield to different types of traction. So if for example you will be playing football, you should use football shoes to give you more traction on the turf so as not to be wasting energy running on slippery moist grass. After knowing the sport you’ll be using it for, know what type of feet you have as well as be aware of your body type.

Large / wide built

Buy athletic shoes that have a wide sole as a base. This will help absorb the shock as you land your foot on the ground when running and jumping. This will also help you with your balance.

Slender / lean built

Athletic shoes with a narrow sole as a base is best suited for this built. Since these are slender in design, the contact on the surface area is less thus giving mobility making the athlete move swiftly.


Always keep in mind to buy athletic shoes with one size or two sizes bigger because the feet have the tendency to swell due to the pounding and stress while playing. Also, athletes usually tend to wear thick socks and neoprene tapes to protect ankles and calves from bruises and sprains.

In general the main factor here is comfort. Ensure that the toes are not constricted so that blisters, bruises and calluses are prevented from developing. The padding on the heels must be soft to avoid bruises on the balls of the heels which can be very painful. Avoid buying athletic shoes that don’t have any allowance or are too tight for this may result to injuries to the other parts of the body.

How To Choose The Right Athletic Shoes

How To Pick The Right Grill

How To Pick The Right Grill

Charcoal Grills

Charcoal grills are one of the most used types of grills. Charcoal grills utilize charcoal and lighter fluid to heat up and cook your food. Charcoal grills come in all shapes and sizes, and vary in cost.

Charcoal grills come in small sizes, which are ideal for apartment dwellers or people with small homes. Once you have used your charcoal grill, you can clean it, and store it away.

One of the most noticeable features when using charcoal is the flavor of the food you cook. To cook with a charcoal grill, you must buy charcoal briquettes and lighter fluid. Charcoal is a one use item, and will need to be discarded after each use. Charcoal can be picked up at your local superstore, gas station, or grocery store, and is typically pretty inexpensive. Charcoal must be light and allowed to burn until the charcoal is no longer on fire, but is red embers. The best way to get the pile to burn is by stacking it in a pyramid.

Propane Grills

Propane grills are also useful for someone in small areas, since they can come in smaller sizes.

Gas grills work by a spark igniting the gas within the grill. Gas grills typically have a knob or button in which you push, which in turn activates a small hammer. The hammer hits the top of an ignition crystal. Then the burner mixes the gas with oxygen and spreads it all over the cooking surface.

Propane grills use propane gas to cook your food. If you want to quickly cook foods while still maintaining a grilled flavor, you may want to consider Propane grills.

Gas grills, unlike some of the other grills types, have the ability to come with many different types of cooking surfaces. These different cooking surfaces include a BBQ surface, a flat grill, and a ribbed grill. Some grills even offer these types of surfaces as none stick, which allow you to cook a whole array of foods that you would not be able to cook on a grill otherwise. You will be able to cook your whole meal, including side dishes if you plan correctly. Some gas grills even contain a Wok type surface for cooking pasta and rise dishes, or a full rotisserie set that allows you to cook rotisserie chicken.

Natural Gas Grills

The easiest grill to use is by far the natural gas grill. Natural gas grills are designed to hook directly into your home’s natural gas line, eliminating the need to provide the fuel source. Natural gas grills are also one of the easiest grills to clean since you do not have to worry about cleaning out the charcoal or wood.

Natural gas grills are a little more complicated then smaller grills, so they require more room.

Smoker Grills

Smoker Grills are used when flavor is the number one priority. Smoker grills use wood to slow cook your meat. Flavor can be controlled by using different types of woods.

Some of the common types of wood used is:

Cherry – Similar to apple, but slightly bitter because most Cherry wood comes from chokecherry trees. / Use on Poultry-turns skin dark brown.

Sugar Maple – Smoky, mellow and lightly sweet. / Use on Fish & Beef.

Hickory – The most highly used wood, both commercially and for home use. Has a strong, heavy, bacon Flavor. / Use on Pork, Ham, and Beef.

Mesquite – One of the hottest burning woods. Predominately Honey, earthy flavor with a slightly bitter aftertaste. / Use on Beef, Fish, Poultry.

Oak – A lighter version of mesquite. Red oak is quite Similar to mesquite; white oak is milder. / Use on Beef & Fish.

How To Pick The Right Grill

Hairballs in Cats Hairball Treatment For Cats

As loving cat owners we hate to think that our beloved pets are feeling unwell. That can be the first impression when your cat starts making hacking noises. Usually this is the first signs of the cat trying to get rid of a hairball.

Hairballs in Cats Hairball Treatment For Cats

If you see a blob of disgusting stuff on your floor, it is likely to be a hairball. Cats need to do this in order to remove hair from within their stomachs to keep them from getting sick.

What is it? It’s a mass of hair and probably some food from the inside of a cat’s body. When a cat grooms himself, he removes loose hair from throughout his body and it ends up in his stomach. Sometimes, the hair comes together and forms a ball in there. If he can not pass it, it is likely it won’t break down but will come up instead.

Most cats have trouble with removing hairballs. If the cat can not get them up, it can get into the intestines and cause a blockage. This is life threatening to the pet. If your cat seems to be constipated it may be a sign of a blockage. If the cat is lethargic and his coat is dull and unhealthy looking, this too may be a sign. Watch that he eats as he normally does. If not, you should call and take him to see the vet who will then find out if it is a hairball and then he’ll remove it.

You can prevent this type of problem yourself though. One of the best ways to do this is to groom the pet. The long haired cat need to be combed and brushed each day to remove excess hair. If you start to groom him when he is still young, he will learn to tolerate it. He may even look forward to being groomed. Some cats will bring their combs to their owners even. If he doesn’t like to be groomed, use a grooming glove instead.

If the cat still seems to have trouble with hairballs, you can add dietary aids to his diet. One of these is a dry cat food that can help to prevent hairballs. Don’t just buy the first bag of the formula that you find. Make sure it is still a good quality food for your pet, one that is high in protein and other nutrients. If your cat has a hairball, you can shop for the gel that can be added to the food which will help the hairball to pass. Make sure to talk to your vet before using one of these hairball remedies for long periods of time though.

You can try some of the more natural remedies as well but you should insure they are okay with your vet first. Some will actually cause your pet discomfort or will remove important nutrients from his body. These include such things as pumpkin, mineral oils and even butter. If your cat continues to have trouble with hairballs, talk to your vet about what you should do to improve this.

Hairballs in Cats Hairball Treatment For Cats

How much should you care ?

We all have different style of talking, laughing, smiling, responding and communicating. Some of us are a comfort for others. We enjoy being with some people and we don’t enjoy some people. What is the difference between these persons? Why one persons presence enlivens the gathering an other person dulls it? What are the qualities needed to make one self socially popular?

How much should you care ?

Smile -The very first quality is smile. When we see some body smiling, we feel pleased. And if the smile is without any malice it is more enchanting. Keep smiling. Keep your problems with yourself and keep your face smiling.

Listening – when we don’t speak but only listen, people love us. All of us have our own problems and need somebody to listen to us. Become a good listener. Ask open ended question such as – and after that? Why? And so on. That will encourage the speaker to pour out all to you.

Have something funny to say – There is enough pain in the world. Bring in some laughter. Have a collection of jokes and make your friends laugh. The more they laugh, the more they will enjoy your company.

Appreciate – have a word of appreciation for everyone. You can appreciate some body clothes, or shoes or what ever. Appreciate. Make friends feel good.

To be friendly and to be charming is not an art. It can be easily developed by all of us. The only need is to pay less attention to our self and more to others. Make friends happy and they will love your presence. Make your presence the life of any gathering. Success is yours.

How much should you care ?

How To Avoid Identity Theft Via Your Credit Cards

How to avoid identity theft is one topic that anyone who makes any kind of financial transaction – big or small – should be knowledgeable about. Your credit cards are often the grounds of identity theft. But since it is almost impossible not to have credit cards these days, heed the following tips instead to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft.

How To Avoid Identity Theft Via Your Credit Cards

* One way to avoid identity theft is to never leave your credit card receipts at the ATM or gas station. This is a mistake that is easily and carelessly made by a lot of poeple. If you want to learn how to avoid identity theft, then you should know that the most experienced thieves might be able to use information contained in these receipts to make fraudulent transactions in your name. File all your documents properly! If you don’t want to keep your receipts, then destroy them properly before discarding them as a way to avoid identity theft.

* Did you know that 30% of identity theft cases are committed by someone you know? This is what the Federal Bureau of Investigation found out based on identity theft reports made to them. So another way to avoid identity theft is to NOT divulge personal information to a friend or co-worker that could be used without your knowledge and authorization.

* Sometimes, even the most secure of bank mailing lists can be the source of identity theft so opt out of these. Besides, the bank registry office is a good way of obtaining the information you might need anyway and that does not expose you to identity theft.

* Next, be very careful about where you place your bank account number or your security card number. You do not want to write this information down in your wallet because it could get stolen or place it on a check where anyone could have access to it. Don’t make it easy for identity thieves to steal your identity!

* Another way of avoiding identity theft is to never apply for credit cards over the Internet since it is much more secure if you go to the bank directly and apply for it there. Even spam email messages can be a source so delete these immediately from your Inbox.

* Another way to avoid identity theft is to never give out information over the phone and do not write down any passwords or PIN codes in places that could be accessed and seen by anyone. It is much better to remember these and use them only when necessary.

* Get a copy of your credit report. Your report will show all existing bank accounts, loans, and your financial transactions so it is wise to get a copy and scrutinize it. If you see anything out of the ordinary, take action right away!

Credit cards are handy tools in our day-to-day lives. Just ensure that you take the necessary precautions so they cannot be used as tools against you.

How To Avoid Identity Theft Via Your Credit Cards

How To Take Care Of Your Dog

The Bond that can come between a person and a dog can be extremely strong, especially if that bond had been strengthened living with each other for many years.

How To Take Care Of Your Dog

Dogs serve many different needs for people. Some people get a dog because they are lonely and need a loyal friend or because they want a dog to protect the home. A dog that is taken good care of and given attention to regularly will give his life to help protect his home and his owner. For the blind a dog can be a pair of eyes to help them get around and for the police a dog can be an important tool and a loyal partner, with a nose that nothing can beat.

The first thing you need to know about taking care of a dog is that dogs need lots of exercise. This is the same for large dogs and small dogs. All dogs need to be let out at least once every 8 hours and should given at least a 20 minute walk to give the dog some fresh air, exercise and a chance to relieve themselves.

It is also important to play with the dog on a regular basis. This can mean going to the park on a weekend or day off and having a good game of fetch, tossing the ball around in your back yard or just wrestling on the ground with the dog, just make sure if you are ruff housing with a little dog that you don’t accidentally hurt the dog. Playing with the dog for a half hour a day, is not only good for the dogs physical health but a dig that is played with regularly is mentally healthier and less likely to become a depressed dog, it also lowers your blood pressure as well and it will form an unbreakable bond between you and your pooch, which will extend to your family if you should start having one after having the dog.

What you feed your dog is very important to the dogs continued good health. The better dog foods will be marked for what are groups the food is appropriate for. Younger dogs need certain vitamins and minerals in larger amounts then an adult dog, and the same goes for an elderly dog they need more calcium in their food to help protect their bones and joints. Feeding your dog the wrong food can stunt the dog’s growth and opens the dog to a larger risk of surgery when they are older.

Just like a person a dog should be taken to the veterinarian’s office every 6 months, and must receive their shots every year. Regular checkups and vaccinations will also help assure that your dog grows to be an old happy dog.

How To Take Care Of Your Dog

How To Eliminate Your Debts

Many people do not know what debt consolidation and debt management companies have to offer. To begin with, these companies may offer educational information on managing debt and staying out of debt, ways to consolidate your debt and reduce your monthly payments, and of course ways to repair your credit rating.

How To Eliminate Your Debts

The average American has up to eight credit cards in their wallets which carry an average of over $9000 in debts. With interest rates generally being very high (some as high as 18-25%), this debt tends to increase faster than most Americans can pay it off. In this environment it does not take long to find yourself in over your head and needing help to dig your way out of debt.

A debt consolidation company can provide the help you need to see your way clear of this problem. They can offer you a number of solutions, including basic money management techniques and budgeting. In addition they can negotiate with your creditors to reduce your debt and repayments so that you can get out of debt much quicker than you might believe.

Even though debt consolidation companies offer credit consumers many valuable options, some people are still afraid to get involved with them. They may have heard stories about unscrupulous companies that have swindled clients or they may just be leery of giving so many personal details to an outside agency. So when choosing a debt consolidation company to work with it is important to do so with care. Make sure you check out their reference and also check with Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints filed against them. Legitimate companies will encourage you to do this so that your mind is at ease.

After you have selected the debt consolidation company you want to work with, you will be asked to gather up all your unsecured debt information and go over it with a counselor. This is usually done over the phone. The debt consolidation counselor will also help you make a budget outlining your household and living expenses and finding out from that how much of your income you can apply towards paying off your debt and still having enough money to meet your monthly expenses.

They will then contact your creditors and negotiate with them to have your repayments amount lowered, your interest rates lowered or eliminated and can often get late fees and over limit fees waived.

Don’t wait until you are losing sleep every night. Seek help from a debt consolidation company today. You’ll be glad you did.

How To Eliminate Your Debts